Sunday, April 24, 2016

Disney hospitality--Hatsumi

My name is Hatsumi Watanabe.
I am from Japan and the reason I came to UCR is because I am going to join the Disney Program.
This Saturday I went to Disney California Adventure with my friends. It was my first time to go there and I had a awesome time. We walked for almost all day to ride some rides and getting some fast passes so we could ride some rides early. However I was surprised with the congestion in Adventure land. Disney in Japan,we always have to wait in line to ride some rides for more than 1hour. Sometime especially on weekends we have to wait for more than 2 hours but in Adventure Land the longest we waited was 45 minutes. That can not happen in Japan. I don't know why but that really helped us going around every rides and show.
Not only did I have fun but I also learned a lot of stuff. Because I am going to work in Disney, I was paying attention to the cast’s services. They were really nice and showed good hospitality, which I found impressive. When we asked one of the cast members how to get to the place we wanted to go to, she didn't just teld us how to get there but she actually gave us a map and put a mark on the place we wanted to go. That really helped us have a better understanding. Also, every time when we bought some food or Disney goods in the stores,they always said, “Have a nice day!” with a wonderful smile. It made me really happy and I really felt like I wanted to be like one of those cast members who can make all the guests happy and make them want to feel like coming back again.

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