Sunday, April 24, 2016

Yoshiyasu Miyano

Do you have favorite food in the United States? Do you have your country food in the United States? Since I’ve been here, I had many foods that I’ve never tried. Today I‘ll tell you about some foods in the United States.

     In the morning, what breakfast did you have? Bread? Serials? Pancake? Waffles? Or your country stuffs? You didn’t have breakfast? By the way, I had waffles many times as a breakfast since I came here. Then I am really wonder about waffle’s origin. Why do waffles have the shape? Actually, its ingredients are almost as same as pancakes. Waffles came from Belgium. They call a honeycomb ”wafel.” When they came to the American Continent, they brought the wafel. Then, the immigrants call it “waffle.”

     Second, have you tried strange food for you? One day, I tried cactus. Do you know what it is? It’s one of plant, but usually Japanese doesn’t really eat cactus. However, people in Latin America eat it very much. It is great food for them. My host family is from Latin America. So I had a chance to try it. Then how was the taste? I ate it as stir flying. It tastes bitter and sour, I’ve never been the taste of sour, but I feel it just one of vegetables, I can eat it normally.

     Through the experience, I enjoy some different kinds of foods. While we live in the United States, we will see many foods that we never seen. At the time, I recommend you to try them!

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