Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Music and language , Fatimah Almutari

Relationship between Music and Language

             Are there strengths between the relationship of music and language? They surround us everywhere and all times. The results of this strong link are the many positive effects in our life. One of them, music and language can help us in learning. For example, when we hear music, we can learn new vocabulary. Also, they introduce us to the different culture. In addition, they reach our feeling for others. There are some reasons for this relationship between music and language such as culture, communication, and expression.

            The first reason of the relationship between them is culture. It is knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, social habits, and music. Firstly, people acquire the culture of their community from their language and music.

For instance, before children enter school, they may learn the culture of their country from hearing the music or practice their language with people. Secondly, music and language are a way to transfer culture for generations. They keep the ancient heritage. Finally, people can learn new country's culture from music and language. For example, when people listen to new music or learn a new language, they will know another culture different from their culture.

            Communication is a second reason of the relationship between music and language. It means a transfer of information from a sender to a recipient by channels such as music and language. Communication may be by several ways. One of them, it sends messages that express love and peace. Music and language contain a lot of these messages that reach to others. Also, the tone is a way to connect with people. It is more important than words. For instance, if you listen to music or talking with someone, feeling reach more quickly than words that are written. In addition, music and language express a lot of emotions like happiness and sadnes. For example, when you listen to sad music or remember sad position, you will feel sad.

            The final reason is expression. Firstly, music and language can be expressed through body language. People make movements and use their hands and facial expression. For instance, you use body language when you talk to anyone. Also, you dance when you hear great music. Secondly, many countries teach music through sounds. For example, some teachers use music to teach pronunciation. They want to help students use music to express language. Thirdly, people use music and language to express themselves through new words. For example, people use music to help them learn new vocabulary.

 In the end, music is related with language for some reasons. People can get their culture from language and music. Also, they help to transfer of culture and heritage for generations. In addition, music and language used to communicate in some ways. For instance, different messages, tone and feeling. In addition, music and language used for expression. They express the country's heritage. As the results of this powerful relationship between them, there are many positive effects in our life. For example, music and language reach your feeling for others. Enjoy listening to a new music and learn a new language and culture from it.


It Is Better to Have Children Later in Life - DANIELA

  I believe that it is better to have children later in life. There are three reasons for my opinion.
  The first reason is economic stability because it is the sources to help children have the best conditions, and also older parents can afford to pay the extra amount of money when they have more member in the family. They have to pay a lot of money for their children like milk, toys, or the products benefits to the children's development. Also, the couples will have a happy life because they do not worry too much about the matter to care for their children, but if younger parents have children earlier in their life, they won't have enough money to take care their children, their life will become more difficult, and maybe they will not be happy because they usually worry about how to get money to take care of children. Therefore, the parents need to have enough money before they have a new member.
Beside that, some people believe that birthing late is not good for both mother and baby, such as older parents will be very difficult to have children. However, I disagree because today our lives are very modern lead to medical technology very advanced, so they can seek help from technology. For example, they can in vitro fertilisation which will help them have baby whenever they want.
The final reason is the couples have more time because they want to have time to understand each other while living in the house, and they need to have time to accept the other's personality before they have children. Also, they have time to travel everywhere they want no matter how far. For example, they can go to other countries in the world that does not feel bound by the kids, so they will feel very comfortable to enjoy happiness between two people.
In conclusion, older parents have children later in life have three benefits in my opinion . They have money to take care of the best children, they can use technology to have baby if they are not easy have baby , and they have more time to do what they want to do.

Monday, May 30, 2016

My ideal job-kureha

   Today, I would tell about my ideal job that is a pastry chef. I want to be a nice pastry chef because I want to provide happiness for many people. I believe that we can feel happy when we eat a delicious food. Actually, I like eating delicious foods and i feel happy. I often also find a new cake shop and go with my friends.

  Before I come to studying abroad in U.S, I had worked at a pancake shop. I served for customer and I made many kind of food. At first I really didn't want to  
make food because I thought making food is very difficult and it has a lot of responsibility because I couldn't fail anything. If I fail making food, I cause trouble for a shop and customer. Therefore, I didn't want to make a food, but one day, customer said  for me "Thank you. I really like this shop's pancake. I'll come again" when I worked a cash register. My heart was satisfied by her word, and I thought I want to make more delicious food and I want to provide happiness for a lot of people. Sine then, I learned many recipe and made an effort to please the customer. In addition, I felt fun from making food.

  If I hadn't worked at the pancake shop, I would not have wanted to be pastry chef. I really want to make a lot of smile and happiness. However, I know being pastry chef is not easy because I have to go a vocational school after I will graduate an university. It costs a lot. But, even if I have to spend a lot of money for my dream, I still want to fulfill my dream.

Now, I really appreciate about I was realized making food is fun. If I am pastry chef, I will make a lot of delicious food and provide happiness for you! 

Sunday, May 29, 2016


High School Experience
Everyone has a dream in their hearts. In my high school life, my dream was to become a leader of the student union. I try to hard to achieve my goal, not only to study hard, but also to enrich my extracurricular activities, such as playing badminton in the sports class, listening to music and singing songs. Succeed rely on the quality of never give up.
When I was sixteen years old, during the school period, I was eager to become a leader of the student union and the English monitor in my class to improve my interpersonal skills. At first, I was mindless about my study because I thought it would be very easily for me. However, I failed the final exam, and it hurts my heart a lot. My teacher, Lisa, told me, “The exam cannot represent nothing, as long as you correct your attitude for the next exam, and never give up.” The conversation between my teacher and me made me feel impassioned. Also, I knew the significance of study and tried my best to do it. Thus, I made up my mind from that time when I talked to my teacher, Lisa.
I tried hard to study because I needed the high score to run for leader of the student union and to prove my ability to be a leader of the student union. Listening carefully to each class and taking notes became habits for me. Similarly, after class, I used to organize activities and the study group to study together with my classmates. As time went on, the next exam was drawing near. I was ready to run for the leader of the student union and all of students admired me because of my hard-working. Also, I was pleasure to solve the questions for my classmates.
As imagined, I succeeded in the student union run. I got the affirmative vote from all the classmates and teachers. I did it. I was appointed to the commissary in charge of publicity for the student union and the English monitor in my class. After that time, I began to organize activities and many work groups with my classmates. We worked and played together, like a family. Also, through doing the leader of the commissary work, my interpersonal skills improves and was a good assistant for my teacher.
The conversation between my teacher and I profoundly motivated me to study hard that let me know that never give up and then people will succeed!


Healthier Life in Nowadays 
Nowadays, the average life expectancy of the Earth’s population is at an all-time high. Many factors have contributed to this result, but the main reason people live longer now than ever before is that what we eat today are healthier than before.
The main reason people live longer now is that the overall does of modern society has been improved. This can be contributed by the advance in the agricultural production. Thanks to the efficient machine and the convenient transportation, food become more abound and cheaper than before. For example, frustrate more available today. In the past, summer fruits like strawberries and bananas are not available during the wintertime. Now because of the technology of the refrigeration and greenhouse, we can buy and eat any kind of fruit, no matter summer winter or not. This change allows people gain lots of vitamin and other nutritions, making a healthier life.
In additional to the advancement of technology, there have been a great improvement in nutrition science. Scientists and dietitians understand more knowledge now than the pass about what people really required in the daily diets. For example, if a person who is in vitamin deficiency, people would regard this as a kind of disease that could not be cured in the past. In contrast, today, the scientists and dietitians can give us some reasonable advice, eating more fruits and some medicine, to resolve the problem. So we hardly get sick and eat healthier.
Also, the urban gardens become more and more successful because they offer the freshest food for less cost and teach children about food production and healthy eating.
One reason for the successful urban garden is that it offers the freshest food for less costs, so people don’t have to waste time to select the food. According to the article “Eating Well: Less Science, More Common Sense,” a better option would be to grow and consume healthy food from an urban garden. People have access to more fresh fruit and vegetables from the urban garden. For example, while I may not have an urban garden, I can try to buy the food with the organic label. And try to have a healthy diet. 

That urban gardens can also been to teach children about food production and healthy eating is another reason that they become successful in Beijing. According to the article “Eating Well: Less Science, More Common Sense,” Michael Pollan states that urban gardens can teach skills that children can learn how to clean and prepare vegetables for meals and learn the knowledge about food production and healthy eating apply to children for all their lives. As people know that the most important study method for children is to practice by themselves. Also, children learn to develop healthy eating habits if they eat the things they have grown. For me, it is easily to make healthy food choices and eating habits. I usually do some simple things that learn to cook and plant a garden to have a better diet and healthier live.


Caring about Nature

        There are several kinds of caring in our lives, such as caring for the pet, caring for the elder people and even caring for nature. Mother nature nature is an exquisite and complex life-system. It appears in the trees, stream, soil, insects… all the things on the earth in different shapes. When you get close to the nature, please remember, each tree, stone and animal has lived harmoniously for hundreds, thousands or even millions of years, so we should try our best to reduce the bad influence on nature.
I have been loving and caring for the animal since I was just a little girl. Actually, I don’t like the word “pet”, but preferring the word “animal” instead. Because if animals are become the  “pets”, they will have the bonds for restricting freedom. Their natural attribution can be deprived, too. I always bring my rabbit, Candy, to the park and just let her run and eat the grass, getting close to nature and having a happy life.
It is very important for us to care nature and care animals. To love nature is to love our mankind. As the new generation, we need to make efforts to love and respect nature.


today I'd like to talk about the topic about whether we should work at home. There always two different kinds of opinion. Some people believe that work at the office is much more better because it is quiet and no other things can bother your work. However, in my opinion, working at home is better.

working at home can save us a lot of time from commuting. With the development of the society, each family has a private car. All of which given rise to a series of adverse effects, such as the traffic jam. People usually spend much time during the way to the company. Avoiding this problem, people can choose to work at home for saving time. With the time saved from commuting, we can focus on our work and improve efficiency and we can have more excellent performance. In this way, we will have more accesses to promotions and career success.

I'ts my favorite place ever ; Sandiego - Sunny

Last week, I went to Sandiego with my friends. Actually, I didn't expected too much about Sandiego but it was more awesome than I expected. That day, everything was perfect; my friends, kind of lent cars(very big and comfortable one), our plan, especially weather!
 First we went to restaurant for Mexican food. This restaurant is famous for shrimp taco. We waited for that taco, it was little irritated but as soon as i took taco, i forgot about waiting time. It was very worth! It's really good combination with sauce, tomato, lettuce, shrimp. I accepted this restaurant is tasty restaurant. Even though there are long waiting time, but it has worth for waiting.
 After filling our bellies, we headed out to La Jolla beach. It was awesome!!!! It has blue and clear water, that color likes emerald. We were dazzled with beach's color. And there were sweet sea lions. They just stayed in sandy beach, seem like getting a tan. I envy their afford time. And we took a lot of pictures in here, and just look beach for a long time without thinking. Even if just seeing, it was awesome too. I can't forget about everything of La Jolla beach.  Next, we went seaport village, we just looked around here it had big statues which is about navy's love story. That is symbolical statue in here. But seaport village was not impressed to me. Just there were a lot of boats in there, and there was some village which has restaurants, shops, etc. Next destination was Balboa park. It is cultural complex art park ; it has many art, science, history museums with park. One of Korean drama shoot a drama here, so it is known for Koreans. We could see good artificial small lake, and garden, museum's nice building and prom party with american high school students. Actually, we don't have prom party in Korea so it was good cultural experience for me. After we looked around almost part of park, we visited old town. Old town is like past of America village and in there we could see some souvenirs, jewerly, cigarette, clothes, bags etc. And there were good restaurants in there. How nice! Because just in time sunset came, so I was fascinated by the beautiful scene. And then we had phil's BBQ. It's famous for BBQ in Sandiego so my friends said to me they always visit this restaurant whenever they come Sandiego. As soon as i ate that, i could understand what they said. I swore that i should come here again! It was really tasty!! It was my best food in America ever.
 Next day, we went to Coronado island. It had beautiful sandy beach, it was like gold sandy. I couldn't take off my eyes of beach. We played in the sea and then ate some seafood, icecream. I think coronado beach is most beautiful beach in all over world.
After having Korean food, we just came back to riverside....(sad)
 It was amazing travel to me. I saw how nice beach, park,...town, maybe i got a good memory of Sandiego. It's my favorite travel place ever.!

Friday, May 27, 2016

It is better have children in earlier or later life... Asma

There is a controversy among people whether about having children on early or lately in their life. I am an opponent with the contention that having children in later age in life, I think obviously it is better having children in early age. There are two primary effects of having children in earlier life.

            First, Having children on early life impact on parent’s lives. When young parents have children that is very beneficial for both of them ,so  they grow to gather. Also young parents due to short age gap and closed culture with their children such as, music, movies and famous person. Having children in earlier age cause parents to share with their children on their habits because children need their parent to make good relationship with them. If children have some problem , young parents could understand about how to solve this problem ,so they will be become friends.  Moreover, parents can help their children to improve their skills and give them guidelines to access to their ambitious.  

 Another effect to having children in early life that is parent still strong and more energy than older parents. So younger parents can do physical activities like playing soccer, baseball and basketball. They can capable on their children. For example ,a mother can pregnant on at young age instead older women they difficultly pregnant. Also, she has more activity than older woman . She can study, nature children and work. father can make compatibility between his job and enjoy his family. Also, they do every day activity, so their children will increase their experience from their parents.

On the other hand, Some people believe that is having children in later age in life is better because they claim that when they have children lead to they can not travel and study. Some parents say we can not have children because they do not make us feel freedom . Also, children need to focus on them, so they could not complete their study. Moreover, they can enjoy  own time whatever we want do. However, I disagree with this argumen because children not obstacle to take freedom. I think that is kind of selfish. Children are beauty of life, they can have children and after their children grow up, they have time to do what they want do.

To sum up, having children early in life is better. There are benefits for parents and children. Growing to gather and closed culture between them . Also, young parents have more energy and strong that is contribute to capable on their children.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Happy weekend-Yoshiyasu Miyano

      I’d like to tell you about my last weekend. Can you imagine what I had las Saturday? I attended a great wedding at the day. Whose wedding? Surprisingly, my host mother get married at the wedding! It means it is remarriage for her. And I related whole part of her wedding.
     First, I joined their relative party. My host mother is Chilean, and fiancé is Mexican, both of them have so many brothers. So we have 80 people at the party. These Latin Americans are so cheerful and friendly. So everyone gave me their introduction very friendly and everyone treated me as family. At the party, I had a chance to give them a speech. I said, “I didn’t know that I need to speak Spanish, and also I didn’t expect to have so many tacos, burrito and enchilada.” They were laughing. It was so fun! Of course, I can’t speak Spanish. Gracias.
     The day before the wedding, we worked hard for setting up the wedding hall until midnight. Then we attended the wedding. It was so great, there are a lot of cheerful Latin American again. They were dancing, singing, taking a lot of pictures. And, when host mother’s children spoke to their mother and her groom, the kids told the groom as “you are my dad.” Maybe, it was their first time to call him dad. I was so impressed from the speech. Why did they call him dad? Definitely, the groom is so nice guy. Actually, we have already living with him. He is really gentle and quiet in a good way. He makes us so relaxed. Although he doesn’t speak English well, he try to communicate with me hard. He always recommends me Mexican stuffs like salsa, jalapeno and more.
     After the wedding, we take a rest with a sense of fulfillment and a bit of fatigue. However, the new couple already gone. They are in Cancun as a honeymoon. Anyway, it was great experience and amazing over my expectation. 

It is better to have children in late or early of life..Asma

There is different controversy among people whether about having children on early or later in their life. I am opponent to the argument having children in later age on life, I think obviously it is better having children in early. There are two primary effects of having children in earlier life.
            First, Having children earlier life impact on parent’s lives. Parents and their children have closed in age that is very beneficial for both of them and grow to gather. Also closed culture such as, music, movies and famous person. Having children in earlier age cause parents to share with their children on their habits, if children have some problem , young parents could understand about how to solve this problem ,so they will be friends.  Moreover, parents can help their children to improve their skills and give them guidelines to access to their optimistic.
 Another benefit to having children on early life that is parent still strong and more energy than older parents. So younger parents can do physical activities like playing soccer, baseball. They can capable on their children. For example, mother can pregnant on at young age instead older women they difficultly pregnant. Also, father can make compatibility between his job and enjoy his family. Also they do every day activity, so their children will increase their experience.

On the other hand, Some people believe that is having children in later age in life is better, because they claim that when they have children lead to they can not travel and study. Some parents say we can not have children because they do not  feel freedom in their lives. However, I disagree with this argument. Because children not obstacle to take freedom. I think that is kind of selfish. Children are beauty of life, we should 

Having children earlier-Yoshi

    Having children later is some good points and someone do so. However, personally I think it is better to having children earlier. I’d like to mention some reasons.
     One main reason for supporting my idea is age gap. If parents are old, they have less options to do something with their children. For example, when children want to play something sport with their old parents, the old parents may not play well because of their age. In my experience, my father is older as a father, he is 64 and I’m 22 now. It’s a big age gap. When I was a little, I asked my father to play baseball, but he didn’t. He had to work and he couldn’t play well because of his age. I was very sad. If he had been younger, I could have play with him a lot. Since then, I want to be a younger father and play with my children. But in my case, I could mature thanks to my old father, now he and I have really good relationship like brothers finally.
     Another important point is parents can spend valuable time after their children have been grown. There are some reason that I claim the point. First, these parents have more money and time than when they are younger. So they could spend money what they want to do. For example, my one uncle and aunt raised their children earlier in their life. They’ve almost finished raising children. Now they travel around the world, Europe, California, NYC, Seattle, and sometimes they join a big cruising for 100days. Also, they travel somewhere with their children. Does it have a problem? The answer is no, the trip is going to be more fun with the matured children. It is also valuable time for the parents. In addition, I have heard a speech which I agree with. The speaker said, “Older women have a risk to be a pregnant. I know they could be and medical care is developing, but women still may have a risk. However studying something older has a risk? I don’t think so. Of course elderly are not good at memorizing, but it has less risk than having children older.” Personally, I believe it is not only women, men too. Both parents should have children in their life earlier.
     On the contrary, I couldn’t support a point is money. Raising children is required a lot of money. This point force parents to earn more money. I can understand raising children is not only money. But, it’s better to have more money raise children. I have seen some parents gave up to have a several children because of money. They really want to more than one children, but they don’t have confidence to give them enough education. From the situation money is important factor.
     In conclusion, I believe that I think it is better to having children earlier from these reasons.

It is better to have children earlier in life-- Joy

I believe that it is better to have children early in life. There are three reasons for my opinion.
First, if parents have their children earlier in life, they will have smaller age gap, therefore they will be more closer to each other. For example, the younger parents and their children can do sports and go for a trip together. Also, because of the small age gap, younger parents will have similar culture background with their children. It’s easier for them to talk with each other.
Second, if parents have their children earlier in life, they can gain more responsibility earlier in life than those parents who have their children later in life. Younger parents also can grow and learn with their children. For example, when parents have their children earlier in their life, it is a good experience for them to grow, too. As time goes, parents will realize that the family never means only “myself”, it’s more about their child. Parents need to teach and take care of their child, it’s the responsibility as a parent.
Admittedly, some people believe that parents will have better capability to raise their children when they have children later in life because they can earn more money to provide better house for their children to live and to provide better resources for their children’s education. However, I disagree with this opinion because their is no boundary between rich and poor people. It doesn’t means that parents have limited money, they can’t raising their children when parents have children earlier. Also, people shouldn’t consider too much about money, such as the big houses…Because it’s about love. Even though the family only can afford an ordinary education and a small house to their child. Parents won’t give less love to their children since they have limited money.  

As a word, it is better to have children earlier in life.

Effect of Having Children Lately - Rawan

Having Children Lately Better than Early
Most of we know that children are important in our lives to continue life. The decision to have children early in life or lately to the couple people is hard because children will change their lives. The couple people have to view cast on their situations before they decide to have children because they ought to provide an appropriate environment for their children before they come. Having children lately in life is better and there are three reasons for my opinion.

One most important effect of having children lately in life is that couple people have to earn more money to secure their children's lives in the future. To illustrate,  everything became more expensive than before. Having more money lead to get a good house, enter their children to good school and  provide children's needs. In my experience, babies needs are expensive than adults needs, so I spend approximately $ 300 – 400 every month for my daughter's diapers, milk, and food ;also, I give $ 500 every month to the babysitter to take car for her. Having children early result in couple cannot provide a good environment for them.
Another positive effect is that couple people need time to do what they want to do before children come. To illustrate, if they want to get higher in their education, they have to wait to have children because it is difficult to balance between study and children especially mother because She cannot study and take care of their children at same time, so she cannot focus in her study or spent fun time with her children. Even if she give her child to another  to take care, her thinking will be busy with her child. Also, sometimes mother cannot trust anyone to take care her child. In addition, couple people can travel to any place they want and have a fun time with each other. Because having children result in they cannot go to a cold place because they will get sick or high place because it will be dangerous .
On the other hand, Some people believe that it is better to have children early in life  because women have a good healthy. To illustrate, When she  became older, it is harder to be pregnant and there is a risk in her health. However, I disagree with them because technology has developed. That means she can be pregnant lately by using tube child. This method can do it by taking eggs from the woman and sperm from the man and put them together in create an appropriate in the lab it looks like a fallopian tube.
In conclusion, I agree it is better to have children later in life, and there are three reasons for my opinion. Having more money ,having time to do what they want to do and having children later is possible by helping technology are some of the positive effects. That means couple people will organize their life more carefully before their children come.

having children later in life, Fatimah Almutari

                                   What a Good Time to have Children
There has been discussion about what a good time to have children. Some individuals think  that have children later in life is a good idea, whereas others have a complete different opinion. From my perspective, I believe that having children later in life has three important an impact on the parents. The three positive benefits of having children in late age: complete their study, become more mature, and travel any place,  

First, one primary effect of having children later in life is that parent can complete their study before their children come. They have more time to focus on their education, so they will have a great job with enough money which help them for children’s. Therefore, parent will not worry about their children because they will have enough money to feed them, buy clothes for them, and choose a best school for them. For example, some women get married and have children in early age, so they cannot do balance between their home and their children, so they unfortunately leave their school. Another significant effect of having children later in life is that parent become more mature and have a lot of responsible.  To illustrate, parent will have more knowledge and skills to deal with their children in future. Parent can control their self in some situations. For instance, they do not be angry if their children do something wrong because they become more capable of patience. Furthermore, parent can do many interesting activities before their children come. For example, they can travel anywhere without any problems because traveling with children is not so easy. For instance, parent who have children and want to travel have to take care of their children because some children get sick when they change their country.

            Some people believe that having children early in life have more positive effects on the parent. They think that parent can have more responsible because they have more experience about how they deal with their children. For illustration, parent can focus on their study and take care of their children at the same time. In my opinion, I think that I disapprove with their opinion because taking care of children need learning and parent have to learn how to take care of their children before they come. There are numerous books and researches that talk about children. Also, parent can learn experience from grandmother or grandfather. Further, I think that parent do not have enough time for their self while they take care of their children, so they will feel uncomfortable in our life.      

Better time to have children--fred

                              Better time to have children

Today, some people think it is better to have children later in life when the parents are better capable of raising their children. In my opinion, I disagree with that, young people also can have children, it is better to have children early. There are three reasons for having children with early age is better than the later: age gap, body healthy and fewer culture difference.
First of all, age gap is the main reason for have children in the young age. For example, children who born early will have less distance to the parents. Parents are more easily to know what children think about, and they can chase the children’s fashionable thinking or adopt the environment that surrounding them quickly. Moreover, the parents also can exchange by standing children’s mind to see the problems, and use the methods to lead them solve it by themselves. It is more difficult to let the old parents know what their children thinking about. And children would be more happily to play with their parents, it is also a good way to increase the relationship between kids and parents.
Secondly, body health is also important to have children early. For example, that the young women who get pregnant have the low risks, but the older women will have the higher risks both for children and mothers. And sometimes parents need to play with their children, having a strong healthy body is important to do that. And old parents do not have enough energy to play with children, they are always feel tired and have no time to experience with children. Children need parents’ lead them to the correct ways, do not have health body means that they can’t pay more attention to their children. It makes bad impacts on the children, maybe they will feel lonely and cause some physic diseases.
Finally, parents will have fewer culture difference with their children, they would be their teacher to teach them. The education system is changed very quickly, and the books always have renew the knowledge. If parents have children later, maybe their opinions will totally different. The knowledge changed so far, the parents can’t give the ideas about their educational or give the suggestions about the studying. The different opinions will bring the arguments between the children and parents, it is not good for the relationship. The young parents’ knowledge don’t have some much different with children’s, so they can teach them some basement knowledge about the life, and some methods to solve the problems in the life.

In conclusion, people to have children in life early have three benefits which help young parents raising their children in high qualities. About the age gap, body health and culture difference are important to feed children grow up. And having children early also can have less pressure, make parents become more responsible.  

It is better to have children early in life--Hatsumi

 I disagree to have a children later in life and I have 2 major reasons.
 One major cause of problem to have baby in old age is that having high risk of getting a baby. When you get old, you don’t have much physical strength to support your child. Especially when you get pregnant, even young people will have hard time with going through this. Then old people would be harder. After your children is born, you need more and more physical strength. You have to drive your kids to somewhere, you have to work more hard to support your children to go until college, and you have to do that almost every day. Therefore it will definitely be difficult for old people to do this every day.
 Second major reason is that you could be more close to your child. I always go shopping with my mother. She is very fashionable and knows the recent trends all the time. I also like fashion so I always talk with my mother about fashion. I think having a same interest causes a good relationship between parents and their child. And young parents has high chance of having a same interest with their child. I also think I am having good relationship with my parents because they could understand what young people will feel and what young people would like to do. I will not say every single thing but I think young parents could understand young people more than old parents because they think in old way which is different from what young people think now. To say it in different way, do you make friends with people who are older than you or people who are about the same age? Most people would say people who are about the same age as you. Because people who are close to your age will feel comfortable to most of the people.
 Some people believe that people should have time in their younger age so we could study and enjoy our own time by going on vacation or do whatever we want to do. However I disagree with that because even after you raise your child and your child became independent, you could make your own time. It is actually better to have more free time when you are older because your child would able to take you to travel and support you and give back to you as thanks for raising them.

It is better to have children early in life - Sunny

In a report, titled ‘Common myths about having a child later in life”,  the writer says about people want to have a child later in life. And the writer states that young parents percentage decreased, on the other hand, women  who are aged 40 to 44 rates rose more than 6 percent now.  So many people want to have children later in life. Because they want to get their own economic stability and their own job for their baby. What was worse, some people don’t want to raise baby because of many factors; they should spend a lot of money, can lose a job, can’t enjoy their own life, and it’s very hard to raise children. Even though I understand their situation, but I disagree with their statement. I think that having children early in life is better than later. There are three reasons for having baby early is better; small age gap, to enjoy life later, and good for mother’s health.

                One important effect of having children early in life is that you have a small age gap with your children. It means that children can get open minded parents. For example, in my case I have comparatively young parents, they are only 50 years old now. So we are like friend and we trust each other, so I can rely on my parents more easily. Sometimes I ask advice about my trouble with friends, my relationship with my boyfriends what else. And they have open mind about new challenge like studying abroad, participating something like camping, internship. So I have chance to do things. I can obtain a lot of experience and I can learn about new things. And you can enjoy physical activities with young parents. Children can learn some kinds of sports from parents. For instance of my situation, my father taught me about riding a bicycle. It’s not easy things to teach because he should to hold bicycle continuously, he should use energy for that. And my father taught us how to play badminton. Actually he is good at badminton, so we learned very well about how to play badminton.
Second main factor in having children early is that you can enjoy own life after growing up children. Of course it will be very hard to raise children when people were young. But we can enjoy our own life after children all grown up. And we can save some money to prepare for our old age during children growing up. Again in my parent case, they raised us since they were 25 years old. They said it was not easy things to do because they didn’t have enough money to raise us, and they couldn’t let us get good education and buy some good clothes, and they couldn’t god good housing. But we grew up greatly and they have been tried to save money since they were young. So they have a lot of money now and they are enjoying their life now. And my brother and me already are over 20 years old, so they go to travel every weekend, they enjoy hiking, biking for their healthy life.  They looks like very happy and enjoy their own life now. So I think that it’s good idea that have children early. But we should try to save money during our life.
Finally, some people believe that even if parent already are old, it’s easy to make child and it’s not too bad for mother’s healthy because we has great science technology. However, I disagree with that statement. Because we have to try several times for having a baby and it’s very difficult to endure this time which is waiting baby. And it’s not enough perfect technology, they can have genetically problems with baby. Furthermore, after baby coming to old mother, she should be careful her health for recovery. It will be take a long time for this.  Young mother relatively can recover their body condition earlier, they can take care baby using much more time.
         In my conclusion, it is better to have children early in life. Even though it will be really hard to young parent, but old parent is same as them. Raising baby is first thing to do in our life. But they can have small age gap with their children, can enjoy later old life. And coming baby earlier will be better for mother's health. And they usually said ' Even if raising children can be exhausted, we can bear this time with our baby smiling.'

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It is better to have children later in life-Tzu Chin

Here are three main benefits of having children in life: mental, stability and free time. First of all, when people are getting older, their mental will become more mature. It is very important for children because if their parents can’t control emotion well, their parents probably will case them to have a diseased personality. Second, when people are getting older, their life will become more stable. It is difficult for parents to raise their child without enough money. According to CNN, parents average coast $245,000 to raise a child. No matter spend money on  food, cloth, or education, sometimes even their medical fees. There is an old saying: Money doesn’t mean anything, but if you don’t have money, you can’t do anything. Same as raise children, if parents don’t have enough money, they can’t give their child a better life. So why not just wait until people sure that they can give their children a good environment?

Moreover, if parents have baby later in their life, they can have much free time to do and try anything they want. For example, they can go travel or go study without any family consideration. Also in this process, they can get more life experiences and widen their views, in this way, they will become more confident of themselves. Some people think that they can have child early and after their children grow up, they also have time to do what they want to do. However, I think no matter how old children are, parents always worry about them, it is nature. And the other point that I disagree with this is that when people getting older, they don’t have as much strength to do many things as young. So in my opinion, I think it is better to achieve our goal before have a child.

   In the other hand, some people believe having children early in life has a positive effect on the relationship between parents and children. That is to say, if parents have children early, they can reduce the age gap. Nevertheless, today is an information explosion generation, no matter how old the parents are, they still can get a lot of knowledge, trends even slang from media or their friends. So I don’t think that parents will have age gap with their children nowadays. Take my parents as an example, they know the newest slang which is popular in university student by the Internet. By the way, my parents born me when they are 30.

It is better to have a child when parents are young-Kureha

   In my opinion, I disagree with having children later is better than early. There are three reasons.

  First, one main reason is older parents have more health risks than younger parents. For example, mother especially has a lot of serious risk about health if they are old. Giving birth needs strength, but mostly, older people are weaker than younger people. It result in serious accident or worst-case, they will die. Also, older parents have a high risk about they get a disabled child. According to the article,“Kosodate hakku” author states, for example, Down’s syndrome’s incidence rate is increasing with age. If parents have the disabled child it makes hard life, it is a factor tired about mental. On the other hand, nowadays, technology is improving constantly so older people can reduce their risks. They can keep their eggs and sperm with fresh. However technology can’t eliminate risk when older mother give birth to child.

   Next, some people believe that having children is better when parents are old because they have enough money and they can provide more good education than younger parents. Actually, most old people have a high states in the job and they get high salary. Also, most young people just start working so their income is lower than older people. In fact, raising child’s cost is too expensive. Therefore, if people earn little salary, raising child is very hard. For that reason, some people believe having children is better when they are old. However, I think it depend on individual because some young people earn more money than older people. For example, my parents had me when they were young, but they earn enough money for raising me and provide good education. Therefore, I think actually money is very important element for having child, child also can get many good opportunities because of money, but money and age haven’t deep connection.

   Finally, one reason for my opinion is younger parents have a small generation gap so they can have close relationship with their child. When parents have a child, they have to teach some physical activities for their child. However, it is difficult for order people because most old parents become weak about strength.  On the other hand, younger people join a lot of activities with child. For example, they can teach sports long time. My father often taught soccer for my older brother, and my brother respect my father because he learned many activities especially physical activity. These make close with parents and child.

   In conclusion, I think that view about having child is better when parents are old. I think age is not important factor for raising child. Actually, older parents and younger parents have some advantages and disadvantages each other, but I think how much parents love their child is the most important.

It is better to have children late in life.- Penny

     I believe it is better to have children later in life when the parents are better capable of raising their children. There are have three reasons can support my statement.
     The first reason is old parents have enough money to give their children a good growth environment. They can living  in a safe housing estate. At now, have many criminal like use abduct and traffic baby to make money. We need to avoid this kind of thing , so only good housing estate have many security personnel can protect residents safe. Old parents also have enough money give their children study at a good school and receive a good education. In my opinion a good education can improve a person’s quality. If their children have some hobbies, parents will have enough money to support them develop. Save money in the bank is contribute to raising children, because in the future their children will use these money.
     The second reason is old parents have more time stay with their children. Their childhood must have caring from their parents. For example, there have some families, their parents always work at outside, so they do not have time play with their children. Then these children will lead to some psychological problems. Parents should be responsible for them. Some parents before education have a baby, so they need finish their study until child born. Parents is hard to spend most time with their children, because they need to do their homework. Some parents want travel to other country. Thus if they have children, it is difficult to take care and inconvenient.
     The last reason is old parents are mature. They can control their emotions better than young parents, because most children are naughty. If they always get some trouble, their parents will get angry. Sometime parents is difficult to control themselves, so they beat their children. This situation is not uncommon. In fact, young parents are easily get angry, they are also young people only have a little life experience. Another thinking is old parents can give children a better example in life. Most children like copy their parent behavior, old parents are more mature, so this is a good example for their children.

     Finally, I want contradict an opinion is someone said that money is not most Important thing in the family. In my opinion, money is very Important with raising a children, because when their babies was born, Parents need but the best milk powder to them, also they need a clear environment. Baby is not strong, they are easily get some diseases. Their bodies are not stronger than adult, so this is the most main reason for prove that is not good.

mohammmed attar old parents or teen age parents

mohammed attar                                                                                                                                      There is no cast of a doubt whether people should have birth from an early age and be a young parent or give birth in an old age. There is a controversy among different people whether they should give birth from an early age or an older age. I am for that parents should give birth from an early age. There are three major reasons why people should be young parents.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The first and foremost reason is that parents should give birth from an early age due to the short age gap. To illustrate, young parents can o several physical activities and they can enjoy because the parents are still healthy or fit enough o the activities.                                                                                                                                                                                                       Moreover, having kids from an early age is god because you can more time with your kids and teen age parents do not lose their temper quickly .For example, my step mother gave birth to my older step brother from an early age it’s an advantage for my step mother because now she can enjoy her time with her nephew which is older than me by a year. However raising a child from an early age causes a lot of stress while people are a teenage parent because they want to achieve some of their goals by finishing doing a bachelor degree or masters degree.                                                                                                                                                                       Third reason, is that parents should give birth from an early age due to the fact that they capabilities of giving birth if you are more than 30 years old so it is risky. ”According to Doctors in the university of Harvard states that women are no prepared to have a new born baby when they are over 30 or 40 years old”. For example, mature mothers have a huge risk while the baby is coming out because their bodies are not that prepared just like 10 or 20 years age due to the fact that their health issues are not the same.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  On the other hand, the opponents reason is that its better to have kids when you are older because parents usually have a stabled income when they are older and probably they have a lot  money in their saving to raise their kids. Money sometimes is a issue because it provide several things for their kids for example, providing good education, having a better health care and kids can have their pryaoraties.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I concede that the opponents idea of having a kids when the parents are much older, but it does not mean that its always goo because parents have to spend a lot of time with their kids an they have to be around because it contributes to having a good and well behaved child.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         To put the issue into prospective, I am an advocate of people should give birth when they are young because it is more cogent that having kids when they are old.

It is better to have children early in life Momoka

  I believe that it is better to have children early in life. There are three reasons for my opinion. 
  First, I think less age gap contributes to getting close to children.  Younger parents are much more energetic than older parents. So younger parents can do physical activities like playing soccer, baseball and so on. Also, if their children have some problem, the younger parents are more understandable about them and give pragmatic advice to them because their culture is similar to their children's and easy to conceive their problem. These things also help us to have more conversation and communication among their family. And it leads to make a good relationship. 
  Second, it is very hard for old women to be pregnant and bear babies. Older women are the higher they have risk to give a birth. Sometimes it causes die or heavy diseases. The older the women are, the higher their risk is. So delivering children for young women brings about less burden for women's body and health. 
  Third, having children earlier contributes to have a great experience. The parents also can grow with their children. They must struggle with taking care of children, like how to teach, scold, praise and so on. Moreover, younger parents can be more responsible because raising up their children, and having and protecting their life are not easy. 
   I know that some people believe that young people have less experience to teach something to children. But I think older parents also don't have much knowledge about younger generation like their community and slang. Also older parents are also freshman as parents. They haven't had an opportunity to have children until they have. Furthermore, some people believe that we have to study whatever we want when we are young. But we don't have to study before having children. Because we have schools for older people and we don’t have to care about their job after children grow up. So we can study whenever you want to after their children are independent.
 Finally, I think that it is better to have children early in our life. It connect to being mature earlier than others. If the young woman have a first child earlier, they can have two or more children while old women have to give up having two or more children because of their risk of body and health. Moreover, because younger parents have similar experience with their children, they can easily go along with their children and say practical advice to their children.