Thursday, May 26, 2016

Happy weekend-Yoshiyasu Miyano

      I’d like to tell you about my last weekend. Can you imagine what I had las Saturday? I attended a great wedding at the day. Whose wedding? Surprisingly, my host mother get married at the wedding! It means it is remarriage for her. And I related whole part of her wedding.
     First, I joined their relative party. My host mother is Chilean, and fiancé is Mexican, both of them have so many brothers. So we have 80 people at the party. These Latin Americans are so cheerful and friendly. So everyone gave me their introduction very friendly and everyone treated me as family. At the party, I had a chance to give them a speech. I said, “I didn’t know that I need to speak Spanish, and also I didn’t expect to have so many tacos, burrito and enchilada.” They were laughing. It was so fun! Of course, I can’t speak Spanish. Gracias.
     The day before the wedding, we worked hard for setting up the wedding hall until midnight. Then we attended the wedding. It was so great, there are a lot of cheerful Latin American again. They were dancing, singing, taking a lot of pictures. And, when host mother’s children spoke to their mother and her groom, the kids told the groom as “you are my dad.” Maybe, it was their first time to call him dad. I was so impressed from the speech. Why did they call him dad? Definitely, the groom is so nice guy. Actually, we have already living with him. He is really gentle and quiet in a good way. He makes us so relaxed. Although he doesn’t speak English well, he try to communicate with me hard. He always recommends me Mexican stuffs like salsa, jalapeno and more.
     After the wedding, we take a rest with a sense of fulfillment and a bit of fatigue. However, the new couple already gone. They are in Cancun as a honeymoon. Anyway, it was great experience and amazing over my expectation. 

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