Sunday, May 8, 2016

Yosemite camping - Wonkyung Cha(Sunny)

 Last week, from 4/28 to 5/1, I went to yosemite camping with IEP students and two leaders, Cierra and Chris. I heard that we would see nature in national park of America. and we would see many kinds of trees, water fall, rocks and stars, and we would sleep in tents and eat meals at camping sites. I was very excited that we would go camping. We rode small bus for 10 people, took about 10 hours to go yosemite national park. Actually it was not easy to ride bus for a long time. At midnight, soon as we arrived at camping site, we set up tent and went to sleep. It was very cold at dawn so we wore 4 clothes for bearing the cold.
 Next day, we wake up at 6 : 30 for hiking. We ate bagel, egg for breakfast which Cierra made. Thanks to Cierra, we ate delicious, enough meal for each meal. And then we hiked mountain for seeing nice waterfall. Even though mountain is too high to hard to climb, but I tried to my best for hiking. Finally, we could see amazing waterfall! How nice!!  I couldn't keep my eyes off that amazing falls. I took lots of pictures for remembering this nice fall. That day, we saw a lot of huge falls, mountain, and rocks, tree. At dinner, we ate sloppy Joe which made with meat, tomato sauce, corn and onion.  It was America food which I've never been eat. I met a new experience that day. At night, I saw the sky which was full of stars. That was amazing!!  I can't forget forever.
 The third day, we walked along a path through a forest. I was satisfied with everything; nice air, amazing big trees, good path for walking and nice friends. I want to appreciate for everything. After having lunch, we bought souvenirs for yosemite and we were heading to riverside. I was sorry to come back riverside.
 It was my yosemite trip at last week. Even though my face was burned by sun, even though it was very cold at dawn, even though it was very hard to hike mountain, I saw nice view, I ate good meals, I made good relationship with my friends. I think it was good enough to my first camping. Thanks for every my friends.

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