Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Benefits of vegetarianism-Tzu Chin

     In this article, Advantages of Vegetarianism, the writer Kate Pullen says that people become vegetarian because of four reasons. The first one is animal welfare, as long as more people become vegetarian, the method of intensive farming is going to change. The second reason people become vegetarian because they want to protect their environment. They think that they can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by eating vegetarian foods. And the third reason is about the budget. Kate believes people who eat vegetarian foods can spend much less than people who eat meat.  The last reason is having vegetarian foods is good for human’s health. Vegetarian diet can help people’s body to absorb vitamins and minerals. However, having too much meat probably will cause some physical illness.  In the end of this article, Kate also mentions there are some disadvantages to become vegetarian, so she says that do some research to get some ideas will help us to make a wisely decision.
     In my opinion, I agree most part of this article. Nevertheless, she says become vegetarian can help us to save a lot of money. I think maybe it is depends on the place where we are living. For example, in Taiwan, a meat meal’s price is almost as same as vegetarian meal.  But I totally agree with others ideas, for instance, the author states eating vegetable can improve animal welfare; can protect environment and also good for our health. I think it is real, especially people are tend to having more meat than before, it not only has harmful to our health also to the environment at the same time.


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