Tuesday, May 10, 2016


In an article in Physicians Committee the Responsible Medicine, titled, Vegetarian Foods: Powerful for Health, the writer stated that there are a lot of facts that vegetarian are healthier than people who eat meat and says few reasons.
He stated that from some country’s research and Harvard studies, the risk of being cancer is lower than the meat eater. This is because vegetarians get a lot of abundant fiber, vitamins and   phytochemicals that help to prevent cancer.
He also says fiber which helps to prevent cholesterol also helps prevent beating heart disease which vegetarians takes more than people who eat meat. Animal products are the main source of saturated fat and the only source of cholesterol in the diet.
He also stated that vegetarians has lower blood pressure and this was already said in the back 1900s. He said he does not have good evidence for this but he predicted that vegetables and fruits are rich in potassium, which helps lower blood pressure.
Preventing diabetes is also the reason which he stated. He says scientists believe that diabetes may be caused by dairy proteins which vegetarian will never take but people who eat meat might take it almost every day. He argues that many people thinks to eat meat is good to take calcium but it’s not.  High protein like animal protein will cause the body to excrete more calcium, oxalate, and uric acid. So he stated that vegetarian has low risk of having gallstones, kidney stones, and osteoporosis.
He also says that in 1985 Swedish study showed that individuals with asthma began vegan diet for a full year and have improved.
People are worry about whether a vegetarian diet can provide all essential nutrients but he argued that it’s easy to get good nutrients with vegetables For example he says plants provides more than enough needs for your body.
He recommended for pregnant women, breast-feeding mothers, and children to get enough vitamin B12 which is easy to get in most of the vegetables. He says it could find in plant and fermented foods, such as spirulina, sea vegetables.
In conclusion he stated that vegetable has high nutritional needs and the menu is life extending. It may grow more gradually and live substantially longer than people who eat meat.

When I read this paragraph I thought it’s not a bad idea to be vegetarian but I will not be a vegetarian because even it is not good for your health if I think it delicious I want to eat it. There are a lot of good food that has meat in it and I believe there are some meat food that is good for your health. This is my image of meat but if you don’t eat meat I don’t think I can play physical activities. This article made me want to research more about what food is healthy for people.

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