Friday, May 6, 2016

My special experience in Hong kong - sunny(wonkyung cha)

  Last year on September, I had an special experience in Hongkong. In my university, they advertised for students who want to go other country and participate fair. And then i applied that for meeting with a new experience. So I went to Hongkong with company's leader, manager, and my junior in my college. The company, which is named 'i2m', make idea goods like natural humidifier, lighting, water bottle which is changed color of lighting depending on body temperature. After finishing midterm My junior 'Hanna' and I visited company, manager explained our mission. Our mission was to take part in lighting fair held in hongkong and to translate korean to chinese for chinese people who were interested in that company's stuffs.  Since 2 weeks later, I left Korea during about 1 week.
 Because we didn't know about hongkong, we were very nervous. We should have found hotels near the exhibition center and we should have care for our belongings. After we did it, we went to exhibition center for decorating our booth with our goods. Wow exhibition center was very huge, and there were many people in there for promoting their goods to people. It was not easy to decorate our booth. We attached our poster, arranged our goods, checked lighting, cleaned booth etc.. we had lots of to do. Even though i was very tired, we had to finish this for tomorrow. After finishing that task, we rode ship which could see nice night view. I think that hongkong's night view was amazing.
 Next day, we started lighting fair! Our main stuff was lighting with changeable lampshade, which can change 13 steps. And there was automatic changing lighting. Many people were interested in our goods and wanted to ask some questions to us. After we answered that question, if they wanted to contact with our company, we gave them business card and took notes for contacting with them. Although It was very simple task, but there were too many people in our booth and I should to speak foreign language for them. It was not easy to do for me. Otherwise my expectation, there were many European then i had to speak English and Chinese for them. I spoke three languages there. It was amazing experience to me.
 After finishing this fair, we had a time for traveling around hongkong. I think that Hongkong is very good site for touring. Most of Hongkong people are very kind, Hongkong had good transportation, good restaurants, good souvenirs. I recommend that you should to go Hongkong!
 It was amazing experience to me, maybe I cannot forget this forever. I gained so many things which is much benefited from this experience.  I spoke foreign language, worked for company like internship, experienced huge fair, toured hongkong. And I met good people who helped me everything ; company's leader, manager, my junior hanna! I would like to commend them very highly on this.

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