Thursday, May 26, 2016

It is better to have children early in life--Hatsumi

 I disagree to have a children later in life and I have 2 major reasons.
 One major cause of problem to have baby in old age is that having high risk of getting a baby. When you get old, you don’t have much physical strength to support your child. Especially when you get pregnant, even young people will have hard time with going through this. Then old people would be harder. After your children is born, you need more and more physical strength. You have to drive your kids to somewhere, you have to work more hard to support your children to go until college, and you have to do that almost every day. Therefore it will definitely be difficult for old people to do this every day.
 Second major reason is that you could be more close to your child. I always go shopping with my mother. She is very fashionable and knows the recent trends all the time. I also like fashion so I always talk with my mother about fashion. I think having a same interest causes a good relationship between parents and their child. And young parents has high chance of having a same interest with their child. I also think I am having good relationship with my parents because they could understand what young people will feel and what young people would like to do. I will not say every single thing but I think young parents could understand young people more than old parents because they think in old way which is different from what young people think now. To say it in different way, do you make friends with people who are older than you or people who are about the same age? Most people would say people who are about the same age as you. Because people who are close to your age will feel comfortable to most of the people.
 Some people believe that people should have time in their younger age so we could study and enjoy our own time by going on vacation or do whatever we want to do. However I disagree with that because even after you raise your child and your child became independent, you could make your own time. It is actually better to have more free time when you are older because your child would able to take you to travel and support you and give back to you as thanks for raising them.

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