Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Economic Case for Worldwide Vegetarianism_Yoshiyasu

    In this article ‘’The Economic Case for Worldwide Vegetarianism,” author Lauren Cassani Davis mentions that vegetarians are well known like the desire to reduce suffering animals, lead a healthy life and good for the environment. After that, he adds the list an economic case.
     His claims are based on a study of Marco Springmann and his colleagues. Springmann estimated that it will cost the U.S between $197 billion and $289 billion each year by 2050 if they continue to meat consume a lot of meats, and he tries to illustrate the theory.
     He states a comparing health-care between worlds keep to have a diet based on meat and shifting to a diet followed a standard global dietary guidelines. Also he calculates the assumed costs of a world of vegetarians and vegans. He calculated the direct health-care cost of a meat- heavy diet and indirect costs and rates of savings of reducing meat-based greenhouse-gas emissions.
     Finally, he pointed out that the economic health benefits relate with plants diets are comparable with the value of the environmental benefits. And he adds the results have differences as individual, but we need to see them without change frame work. The most important is population-based approaches which influence the all food environment.

     In this article, I feel that it was very interesting contents. Comparing with vegetarian and meat based life, it makes us very clear. Especially Japanese, we have a lot of healthy food. So I can understand how being a vegetarian is good for our health. And, it was also clear about the specific figures. They are better when we show some argues for audience or readers.     

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