Thursday, May 26, 2016

It is better to have a child when parents are young-Kureha

   In my opinion, I disagree with having children later is better than early. There are three reasons.

  First, one main reason is older parents have more health risks than younger parents. For example, mother especially has a lot of serious risk about health if they are old. Giving birth needs strength, but mostly, older people are weaker than younger people. It result in serious accident or worst-case, they will die. Also, older parents have a high risk about they get a disabled child. According to the article,“Kosodate hakku” author states, for example, Down’s syndrome’s incidence rate is increasing with age. If parents have the disabled child it makes hard life, it is a factor tired about mental. On the other hand, nowadays, technology is improving constantly so older people can reduce their risks. They can keep their eggs and sperm with fresh. However technology can’t eliminate risk when older mother give birth to child.

   Next, some people believe that having children is better when parents are old because they have enough money and they can provide more good education than younger parents. Actually, most old people have a high states in the job and they get high salary. Also, most young people just start working so their income is lower than older people. In fact, raising child’s cost is too expensive. Therefore, if people earn little salary, raising child is very hard. For that reason, some people believe having children is better when they are old. However, I think it depend on individual because some young people earn more money than older people. For example, my parents had me when they were young, but they earn enough money for raising me and provide good education. Therefore, I think actually money is very important element for having child, child also can get many good opportunities because of money, but money and age haven’t deep connection.

   Finally, one reason for my opinion is younger parents have a small generation gap so they can have close relationship with their child. When parents have a child, they have to teach some physical activities for their child. However, it is difficult for order people because most old parents become weak about strength.  On the other hand, younger people join a lot of activities with child. For example, they can teach sports long time. My father often taught soccer for my older brother, and my brother respect my father because he learned many activities especially physical activity. These make close with parents and child.

   In conclusion, I think that view about having child is better when parents are old. I think age is not important factor for raising child. Actually, older parents and younger parents have some advantages and disadvantages each other, but I think how much parents love their child is the most important.

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