Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mohammed Attar summery

In an article in vegetarian times, titled, “Why go veg?”, the writer is trying to give us useful reasons on how great it is to stay on a vegan diet. The doctors gave as 13 different benefits on staying in a vegan diet and these are 9 benefits.First reason, is that federal government advices the people to gain vegan calories rather than meat. “According to Scientists, if people are consuming vegetarian food only the rate of all kinds of diseases including cancer, will decrease and people will stay healthy”. Moreover, If people use the vegan process they can like 10 to 13 healthy years it’s because they’ve switched from an American diet to a veg diet. Being in a veg diet will also help people to stay on a normal weight and they can find their sizes every where.However, being in a veg diet helps kids to gain more energy and build strong bones.On the other hand staying in a vegetarian diet will reduce the causes of pollution and people are going to be friends with animals which will preserve us eating them.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I am for that people should start being healthy and start a new vegan diet that will lead then to several beneficial things in the way they live.               http://www.vegetariantimes.com/article/why-go-veg-learn-about-becoming-a-vegetarian/ link

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