Sunday, May 22, 2016

Halong Bay-Tzu Chin

Last June, my family and I went to Halong Bay. We stayed on a cruises for 2 days. In these 2 days, all of us didn’t have phone signal, but it became my best memory. Every room on the cruise has a little balcony, so we can enjoy the scenery in the room, even on the bed. It was quite relaxed. 

At the first day, we went to a stalactite cave, there are many supernaturally fine craft. One of them looks like feet; some of them look like statues of Buddha. Sometimes my family member and I have different opinions for a stalactite, it was very fun when we have a discussion; we could come up with more ideas in this process.
After the cave, we sailed to another island, which is called Ti Top. In Chinese we call it Hero Island. On the top of this island, there is an arbor, so we can go there to look down Halong Bay. However, it is a truth that if we want to see a beautiful view, we have to pay something, so we climbed 400 steep stairs. It is very difficult for a person who doesn’t like climbing at all, a person likes me. In the process of climbing, I wanted to give up many times because the stairs seemed no end. Whenever I said here was my limit and I would waited for you here, my father would say we were almost there. Finally I did it, I was so proud of myself, even though I was cheated to arrive the top. The view at there is awesome, but I was too tired to take a picture, my hand and feet were trembling at that time. In this island there is a beach, so after we went down hills, we punched into water to wash away sweat.

On the cruises, we had an activity, Vietnamese people taught us how to make Vietnamese style spring rolls. I did some for my family and we were chatting with each other and drinking beers, it was so leisurely. And surprisingly, I got a certificate! They said that I could run a spring rolls store!

We had two days on cruises, so we can see sunset and night view of Halong Bay. It was my favorite part in Halong Bay. Halong Bay become serene and romantic at night, many ships lighted up and came together to tie themselves with each other’s. And the weather was so comfortable, so we lay on the couch, which was set on the deck, to enjoy atmosphere.

I am not going to forget this trip, it is a very special experience for me, and I feel the relationship of my family became stronger because of this journey.