Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Summary about benefits of vegetarianism - Wonkyung Cha(Sunny)

    In the article, “ Advantages of vegetarianism”, the writer Kate pullen gives 4 reasons what is the advantages of vegetarianism. He suggests some opinions of vegetarianism’s benefit as wide and varied perspective. First, No animals is harmed for meats that people want to eat. If the number of vegetarians increases in the future, we don’t need to feed to livestock for meat. It might be change industry of farming to better way, so it won’t be harmful to animals. Second, It can be helpful to environment. By citing Sir Paul McCartney saying and Environmental defense report, writer shows how vegetarians can be great help to environment. Third, Kate pullen states that you can save much more money than when you have meats. There are a lot of kinds of cheap vegetables which can substitute for meats. And you can buy stuffs which are more useful to live. Finally, there are a lot of  advantages from health side for vegetarians. He tells that you can gain plentiful fiber and vitamins and minerals in vegetable, so you can be healthy because of those factors. In contrast, meat has some bad points that meat is not good for digest, you can gain fat and high cholesterol levels which is harmful to health.
    I don’t agree writer’s opinion. Although there are many benefits of vegetarianism, I think meat is essential element for our health. Meat contains vitamins A, B, D and K as well as copper, chromium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium and zinc(source : googling). If we can’t meet that factors, we can be in poor health. So in my opinion, the best way is that eat meat and vegetable together. If you want to save the earth, eating less meat and more vegetables is good idea!

  Article - http://vegetarian.lovetoknow.com/Advantages_of_Vegetarianism

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