Thursday, May 26, 2016

Having children earlier-Yoshi

    Having children later is some good points and someone do so. However, personally I think it is better to having children earlier. I’d like to mention some reasons.
     One main reason for supporting my idea is age gap. If parents are old, they have less options to do something with their children. For example, when children want to play something sport with their old parents, the old parents may not play well because of their age. In my experience, my father is older as a father, he is 64 and I’m 22 now. It’s a big age gap. When I was a little, I asked my father to play baseball, but he didn’t. He had to work and he couldn’t play well because of his age. I was very sad. If he had been younger, I could have play with him a lot. Since then, I want to be a younger father and play with my children. But in my case, I could mature thanks to my old father, now he and I have really good relationship like brothers finally.
     Another important point is parents can spend valuable time after their children have been grown. There are some reason that I claim the point. First, these parents have more money and time than when they are younger. So they could spend money what they want to do. For example, my one uncle and aunt raised their children earlier in their life. They’ve almost finished raising children. Now they travel around the world, Europe, California, NYC, Seattle, and sometimes they join a big cruising for 100days. Also, they travel somewhere with their children. Does it have a problem? The answer is no, the trip is going to be more fun with the matured children. It is also valuable time for the parents. In addition, I have heard a speech which I agree with. The speaker said, “Older women have a risk to be a pregnant. I know they could be and medical care is developing, but women still may have a risk. However studying something older has a risk? I don’t think so. Of course elderly are not good at memorizing, but it has less risk than having children older.” Personally, I believe it is not only women, men too. Both parents should have children in their life earlier.
     On the contrary, I couldn’t support a point is money. Raising children is required a lot of money. This point force parents to earn more money. I can understand raising children is not only money. But, it’s better to have more money raise children. I have seen some parents gave up to have a several children because of money. They really want to more than one children, but they don’t have confidence to give them enough education. From the situation money is important factor.
     In conclusion, I believe that I think it is better to having children earlier from these reasons.

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