Sunday, May 22, 2016

The fifth post .....rules.....Asma

            I am from Saudi Arabia, and I have been in America for nine months. There are a lot of 

rulesonthere such as subway, time of visit. I do not know a lot of the rules about the etiquette

onsubway. One day,  I took a bus to go to my home. I wanted to ask driver if he would go to 

thedestination where my home is located. There were many people standing behind me and 

waiting for me to get into the bus . The driver did not answer me and shouted at me "go out 

and let people go inside" I was confused and surprised. Was thinking why he shouted at me 

while the only think I want to know if he would stop near to my home or not. People looked 

annoyed and angry, but I did not know why! Did I block the way? or because I did not let older 

enter the bus before I entered. However, I did not look at anybody in the bus , and I waited 

for the bus to stop . After I went to my home , I searched on the internet about the rules on the

 bus. I learend that I should not block the way on subway. If I want to ask the driver, I have to 

wait until all people to go inside then I can ask him.

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