Friday, May 27, 2016

It is better have children in earlier or later life... Asma

There is a controversy among people whether about having children on early or lately in their life. I am an opponent with the contention that having children in later age in life, I think obviously it is better having children in early age. There are two primary effects of having children in earlier life.

            First, Having children on early life impact on parent’s lives. When young parents have children that is very beneficial for both of them ,so  they grow to gather. Also young parents due to short age gap and closed culture with their children such as, music, movies and famous person. Having children in earlier age cause parents to share with their children on their habits because children need their parent to make good relationship with them. If children have some problem , young parents could understand about how to solve this problem ,so they will be become friends.  Moreover, parents can help their children to improve their skills and give them guidelines to access to their ambitious.  

 Another effect to having children in early life that is parent still strong and more energy than older parents. So younger parents can do physical activities like playing soccer, baseball and basketball. They can capable on their children. For example ,a mother can pregnant on at young age instead older women they difficultly pregnant. Also, she has more activity than older woman . She can study, nature children and work. father can make compatibility between his job and enjoy his family. Also, they do every day activity, so their children will increase their experience from their parents.

On the other hand, Some people believe that is having children in later age in life is better because they claim that when they have children lead to they can not travel and study. Some parents say we can not have children because they do not make us feel freedom . Also, children need to focus on them, so they could not complete their study. Moreover, they can enjoy  own time whatever we want do. However, I disagree with this argumen because children not obstacle to take freedom. I think that is kind of selfish. Children are beauty of life, they can have children and after their children grow up, they have time to do what they want do.

To sum up, having children early in life is better. There are benefits for parents and children. Growing to gather and closed culture between them . Also, young parents have more energy and strong that is contribute to capable on their children.

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