Thursday, May 26, 2016

having children later in life, Fatimah Almutari

                                   What a Good Time to have Children
There has been discussion about what a good time to have children. Some individuals think  that have children later in life is a good idea, whereas others have a complete different opinion. From my perspective, I believe that having children later in life has three important an impact on the parents. The three positive benefits of having children in late age: complete their study, become more mature, and travel any place,  

First, one primary effect of having children later in life is that parent can complete their study before their children come. They have more time to focus on their education, so they will have a great job with enough money which help them for children’s. Therefore, parent will not worry about their children because they will have enough money to feed them, buy clothes for them, and choose a best school for them. For example, some women get married and have children in early age, so they cannot do balance between their home and their children, so they unfortunately leave their school. Another significant effect of having children later in life is that parent become more mature and have a lot of responsible.  To illustrate, parent will have more knowledge and skills to deal with their children in future. Parent can control their self in some situations. For instance, they do not be angry if their children do something wrong because they become more capable of patience. Furthermore, parent can do many interesting activities before their children come. For example, they can travel anywhere without any problems because traveling with children is not so easy. For instance, parent who have children and want to travel have to take care of their children because some children get sick when they change their country.

            Some people believe that having children early in life have more positive effects on the parent. They think that parent can have more responsible because they have more experience about how they deal with their children. For illustration, parent can focus on their study and take care of their children at the same time. In my opinion, I think that I disapprove with their opinion because taking care of children need learning and parent have to learn how to take care of their children before they come. There are numerous books and researches that talk about children. Also, parent can learn experience from grandmother or grandfather. Further, I think that parent do not have enough time for their self while they take care of their children, so they will feel uncomfortable in our life.      

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