Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Benefits of Vegetarianism Momoka

  In the article, Advantage of Vegetarianism, the writer Kate Pullen stated that we have some advantage for vegetarian.

  First, most vegetarian don’t eat meat so we don’t need to farm a lot. Also, a lifestyle of vegetarian can help to solve environmental issues. Sir Paul  McCartney says “ That is a simple but extremely effective step that many people could take to help the environment and improve their own health at the same time” it means if we less eat dead animals, we can reduce consuming the amount of food and also it is good for health. Also, the GoVeg website quotes Environmental Defence tells us that if all Americans skipped one meal of chicken per week, and eat a vegetarian food instead of this, we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide. Moreover, vegetarian food is cheaper than meat so we can save money.

 And meat has some disadvantage points, for example, it doesn’t easily digest, and it has many fat and connects to high cholesterol. Furthermore it is possible of causing cancer. On the other hand, a vegetarian food usually has high fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

 We see vegetarianism in another angle, vegetarianism also has bad points as well as it has a good points. So we have to think about problems both agreeing with being vegetarian and disagree with it.

Although I read this article, I disagree with being Vegetarian even if there are so many good points in it more than meat.  Because I think that meat also has a nutrition as well as vegetable. Vegetable has a lot of fiber, vitamin, and mineral while meat gives us an energy because it has protein, amino acid and so on. So I think we need to have both vegetable and meat. So as the writer said earlier, we should think about strong points and weak points of them.



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