Thursday, May 26, 2016

mohammmed attar old parents or teen age parents

mohammed attar                                                                                                                                      There is no cast of a doubt whether people should have birth from an early age and be a young parent or give birth in an old age. There is a controversy among different people whether they should give birth from an early age or an older age. I am for that parents should give birth from an early age. There are three major reasons why people should be young parents.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The first and foremost reason is that parents should give birth from an early age due to the short age gap. To illustrate, young parents can o several physical activities and they can enjoy because the parents are still healthy or fit enough o the activities.                                                                                                                                                                                                       Moreover, having kids from an early age is god because you can more time with your kids and teen age parents do not lose their temper quickly .For example, my step mother gave birth to my older step brother from an early age it’s an advantage for my step mother because now she can enjoy her time with her nephew which is older than me by a year. However raising a child from an early age causes a lot of stress while people are a teenage parent because they want to achieve some of their goals by finishing doing a bachelor degree or masters degree.                                                                                                                                                                       Third reason, is that parents should give birth from an early age due to the fact that they capabilities of giving birth if you are more than 30 years old so it is risky. ”According to Doctors in the university of Harvard states that women are no prepared to have a new born baby when they are over 30 or 40 years old”. For example, mature mothers have a huge risk while the baby is coming out because their bodies are not that prepared just like 10 or 20 years age due to the fact that their health issues are not the same.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  On the other hand, the opponents reason is that its better to have kids when you are older because parents usually have a stabled income when they are older and probably they have a lot  money in their saving to raise their kids. Money sometimes is a issue because it provide several things for their kids for example, providing good education, having a better health care and kids can have their pryaoraties.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I concede that the opponents idea of having a kids when the parents are much older, but it does not mean that its always goo because parents have to spend a lot of time with their kids an they have to be around because it contributes to having a good and well behaved child.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         To put the issue into prospective, I am an advocate of people should give birth when they are young because it is more cogent that having kids when they are old.

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