Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Wave -Tzu Chin

This weekend I watched again my favorite movie, The Wave, the original title is Die Welle. It is German socio political film, and it was shot by Dennis Gansel. This movie is talking about totalitarianism. I always remember what I felt after I watched this film at the first time. It was really a shock for me. In school, we learned how horrible mind control is, but I didn’t really understood until I watched this movie. This movie used a direct way to let audience know: what is crazy; what is following blindly. When people stay in a group for a long time, they probably don’t think profoundly when they follow others’ decision, because they trust this group ingrained. Especially when most people agree with same thing, they will go after unconsciously, rather than consider that is suitable or not and don’t think about what is the result. From this, it can be seen that individuals not so rational as human think; people are very easy to be misleading by others. That is the reason why we have to learn and learn how to think.
I am not completely denied the totalitarianism, because in this movie, we also can see that why some people appreciate this doctrine. No matter you are pretty or ugly, rich or poor, we are same. Sometime it is very attractive, especially to those who don’t have self-confidence. In this disciplined society, they feel that they are accepted, they are affirmed by others. However, extreme right is extreme wrong, even liberalism, which we regarded as the mainstream, has it own shortcoming. The simplest example is people respect different voices, but too many voices cause policies can’t be pursued, and this country can not improve. So how to get balance is an importance lesson.

This movie also mentioned that only love can make people to introspect themselves. When we have love, we will afraid to let those people whom we love feel sad, so we will think before we make a decision. After thinking again and again, we will know what is right and what is wrong.

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