Do you know the ball causes a dangerous effect on students athletes? When they hit the ball too many times in soccer, that will probably lead to brain injury called a concussion. Afterward, concussions will impact on their lives, but we cannot prevent them to play soccer because it is an interesting game and it has many benefits for their bodies. Presently, concussions are a risky effect on students athletes, and there are serious solutions to maintain their lives from it.
First of all, students athletes should limit the number of heading the ball in the game. According to the article about heading the ball, Lipton claims that we must hire a monitor to count the number of heading the ball in game and practice. While they are heading the ball too many times, they will probably infect concussions, so they should not ignore the danger of heading the ball. As a result of decrease the number of heading the ball, that will not occur concussions in their brain.
Second, students athletes should wear a helmet on their heads. Which it wears to protect their head from hitting other player and heading the ball. My recommendation to manufacturers is that they should make the helmet softer because while the player is hitting other one or heading the ball, the hit will be softer on their head. According to the article about protecting young athletes, the National Institutes of Standers and Technology said helmet will supply good protection to prevent concussion. Because of wearing the helmet, we will probably protect them from the concussions.
The last solution to protect the students athletes from the concussions is that manufacturers make the ball of soccer softer. When they make it softer, that will probably decrease the occurrence of ball damages. If the ball is soft, the player can hit the ball many times. As a result of making the ball softer, we will probably save them from concussions.
In conclusion, There are many solutions to protect the students athletes from concussions. Decreasing the number of heading the ball, wearing the helmet and making the ball soft are some of them. When we protect our students from dangerous effects, that will survive them from dangerous situation and make them to enjoy playing soccer.
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